Cheriz Kunkel

Cheriz Kunkel

Co-Founder | Executive Director

Cheriz Kunkel and her spouse, Andrew have been fostering children since 2017 and have seen the gaps in system firsthand. They knew they wanted to address those needs since the day the received their first placement. Cheriz has a Bachelors Degree in Science from the University of Illinois. Cheriz has previous work experience in social media management, freelance blogging & ad campaigns, and worked in Real Estate for 6 years. While currently self-employed part-time in sales, she focuses most of her time on her position as Executive Director at Foster Village Peoria. 

Her 10+ years experience in fundraising, marketing, and community outreach is what led her to helping co-found and lead this non-profit. Cheriz has volunteered locally and nationally for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for 15+ years. She has participated in various aspects: including national grant application committees, educational advocacy teams, and speaking at national panels for conferences. In her spare time, she helps co-lead her church’s youth & sunday school program. She loves spending time with her family, and has an unhealthy attachment to lemon lime Gatorade.


Phone: 309-305-9888