Support Gathering Program
Our Support Gatherings
We know that foster families are navigating a complex system and unique challenges that come hand-in-hand with caring for children from hard places. We want caregivers to know they are not alone. There are other families on the same journey who can offer understanding and encouragement. Our monthly support gatherings give foster families these much-needed avenues to connect with each other on a regular basis. We provide childcare on-site and diiner for families who attend, so they can relax and connect. These events are also a place where our team can provide specific training & expertise as families gather with others who truly 'get it'.
Our current monthly support gatherings! Please sign up for only one gathering per month (due to limited spots)
What to know if you are attending:
- We need families to sign up each month, to provide accurate food/childcare numbers.
- We provide a dinner each month, and the dinner choice rotates typically between pizza, taco bell, gondolas & chips, and chinese. We also have uncrustables, chips, juice, water regularly stocked for those who might not like the provided dinner option. Please feel free to bring a different drink or food choice of your own, if you want or need something different.
- We provide childcare for those youth under 18 that are attending. We require families sign up at least 3 days in advance (if possible) to help us figure out childcare numbers. We contract with a professional childcare company, so we have individuals who have a wide variety of experience working with youth & most our caregivers have trainings working with kids who have experienced trauma or have different abilities.
1.) Foster Parents & Kinship Parent Support Gathering: Meets the 4th Thursday of the month from 5:30-7:00pm at Foster Village Peoria.
2.) Adoptive Foster Parents Support Gathering: Meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at 5:30-7:00pm at Foster Village Peoria.
Occasionally, when waitlists are full, we will host a Mix & Mingle Support Gathering that month.