Educational Workshop Program
Our Educational Workshops
We know that foster families are navigating a complex system and unique challenges that come hand-in-hand with caring for children from hard places. We want caregivers to know they are not alone. These workshops can provide specific training & expertise geared towards caregivers affected by foster care. Most of these trainings are held online via zoom, to allow flexiblity for caregivers and families jugging schedules. For in-person trainings, we offer onsite childcare. We offer certificate of completion for caregivers & community members that attend (attendees can turn in certificates to agencies/worksplaces for educational hours *per agency/worksplace discretion).
What to know if you are attending a workshop:
- We need individuals to sign up in advance, you will be provided the zoom link before the event.
- We need individuals to fill out our feedback survey after the workshop has ended.
- We provide childcare for in-person trainings for youth under 18. We require families sign up two weeks in advance (if possible) to help us figure out childcare numbers. We contract with a professional childcare company, so we have individuals who have a wide variety of experience working with youth & most our caregivers have trainings working with kids who have experienced trauma or have different abilities.
We offer an avergage of 8-9 workshops yearly (February- November). Some
Sign up for upcoming workshops here!
February 2025: Crisis De-Escalation for Foster Parents. Registration coming soon!
2024 Topics included:
- Mental Health & Youth: Understanding & Supporting Children in Crisis ( Feb 28, 2024) ------Email for recording link.
- Navigating School Supports: IEPs, 504 plans, and more! (March 13, 2024)------ Recording on YouTube Here!
- Navigating Nutrition Challenges & Accessing Resource ( May 16, 2024)---------Recording on YouTube Here!
- TBRI Overveiw: Trust-Based Relational Intervention Training (in-person & no recording-training June 29, 2024 with lunch & childcare provided)!
- Fake News (internet safety & predator awareness) by the Power Project.
- Zones of Regulation led by Occupational Therapist, Mackenzie Baldock